Stephen Montgomery Smith
Preprints and List of Publications in tex, dvi, ps, pdf and html.
Class information:
MU Chapter of AAUP (American Association of University Professors).
Software, including
Code for the complex arcsine, arccosine and arctangent functions,
xkbset: a program to manage the XKB features, like MouseKeys, AccessX, StickyKeys, etc,
fluids programs, including a mode to the screensavers xlockmore and xscreensaver,
a link to Natural Math: an easy way to typeset mathematics (also available in Romanian courtesy of azoft),
The Spherical Package, which computes PDE on spheres using spherical harmonics.
The "Fast Exact Closure" Package, which computes the "Fast Exact Closure" for Jeffery's type equations.
My views on Mathematics.
My views on Religion.
My page on the Math Department server.